Sunday, July 3, 2016

Thumbnails of a Comic Series Preview -Anthony Andujar Jr, WIllinzy Jonri & Jose Sanchez 7/3/16

   SO for the past few months since March, I've been working on some comic stuff with my creative writing Collegues Willinzy Jonri and Jose Sanchez. Currently we are working on three projects: 1) WIllinzy's stuff, 2) Jose's stuff, 3) A collective fan comic based on a certain video game character that a band made an album out of.   Willinzy, Jose and I all met after we were assigned together by our Creative Writing Professor Dean Kostos since he thought that all three of us had a very similar kind of genre of writing. So we started working together and made an expansion of a short story that Jose made. Little by little, we started to expand of Jose's short story and made two One Act Plays that are based within the universe that we collaborated on together.
      To their credit, Jose and WIllinzy were prominently hashing out the story ,plot points, character motivations, etc etc. I helped with some throw away suggestions just to help guide them to the direction that they or better yet, We envisioned. So, every tuesday and thursday we'd meet after class and head to the cafe across the street from the E building of Laguardia Community College and hash out stuff. Willinzy and Jose would write, and I would start making concepts or thumbnails to whatever was brainstormed collectively. It's safe to say that I like working with these guys. There are others that I'm hoping to work with ( especially for a variety of projects be it Anthology, short story, concept for album or whatever may come). In between all this, i've been working on a black book that i've been drawing for nearly a year and half now, another blackbook where I do all the comic strip stories (before doing the digital colors and edits that you see on this very blog) and some painting. It's safe to say that I've been utilizing what i've learned from my Professor Jessica Boehman's Graphic Narrative/ Illustration course, Dennis D'amelio's Life drawing/Gesture course and Dina Pizzarello's intermediate drawing/beginning painting courses, which have all helped me crank out alot of content since taking those courses.

  Admittedly, so far we've been making some steady progress where we meet up at least once a week, communicate online, and hash out whatever and send each other notes and pictures of the content that's in the works. Since it's my colleague Jose Sanchez's birthday, I figured I could show a little blurred preview of whats in the works. it's ambiguous because I want the content to be viewed once its completed. Heck, once the first issue is completed of this and the other story, maybe I can have time to work on coloring the Comic book that I made ( but never released) last year call Memory Detective. Just know, I'll be posting this on my blog soon. Till then, stay tuned for the next couple of comic strips on the blog and Happy Birthday Jose! Here's the preview thumbnails:

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