Friday, January 3, 2020

That time I got my fan art published in Immortal Hulk issue 23

I realized that I didn't post this on this blog at the time Immortal Hulk issue 23 was released (which was back in September  5th, 2019). SO I figured I'd post it on here. One as a reminder to myself that even in the darkest moments, there are still good things to come. But I also wanted to post this here for those who don't have social media, and wanted to be in the know of what I was up to at that point in time.

Went to Forbidden Planet and picked up two copies of immortal Hulk issue 23. Bought one for my dad and signed to him what I wrote. Not to down play myself, but it's just fan art. But at the same time, I'm humbled. I still have a lot of work to do with my collaborators, and one day things will come to fruition. I try to take the small victories one day at a time. What really made me happy was seeing my Dad grinning and being just as surprised as I was that I had my letter and art published in the letters pages, is a moment that I'm gonna forever cherish. It means a lot when you can make something like that happen, and for me, it meant a lot to see my dad get hyped. Again, shout outs to my homie Willinzy, @vermin_mc @kelso_alghul and @forbiddenplanetnyc for even surprising me about this. And to everyone else, kindly, thank you, but there is still work to be done and I have a very long way to go, and I always look at my old Legion 94 page (old and torn), laminated on my fridge, to always think about Jack Kirby's hustle as an Illustrator and visual storyteller to motivate myself even on the best days. Anywho, back to work.

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