Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Been Busy!!!!!!!

Hey guys, I know I haven't been posting any new comic strips as of late, but before anyone rolls any eyes or grab any pitchforks, I want to give a reasonable explanation why. I've already storyboarded the strips that i've made (over at least 10 strips ahead of time), but As of late, I've been working on a project with my Co -Writers and friends: WIllinzy Jonri and Jose Sanchez on a comic series that was inspired by the band, The Protomen. I've been working with my friends for months since march on three projects, ( the protomen band inspired project that i'm currently working on is one of them).  I already made thumbnails and have already started on some pages ( and going). At this rate its looking like 25-26 pages or 30 to say the least in terms of the length of the fan inspired book. Here is a little glimpse. I'm focusing more on quality over quantity in terms of the amount of detail i'll be putting on each page. This stuff is as tedious as painting. But it's what I live for. So far, been going on with details. I've been taking my time adding details on the first four pages (gonna do the same for the next 22 pages or so) taking my time focusing on quality detail on the pages. Should be done with in a few weeks in the summer. 

               In between the one comic of focus with Will and Jose, I'm also hashing out some concept stuff with my friend Manuel in addition to Hansel and Juwill on some animation stuff. As of recent, I've been learning to dabble with Adobe Flash to get an idea of how the program works. SInce i have some experience and Idea of sequential story telling, I managed to make 30-40 frames of somewhat loose, fluid , animation that is able to give off a sense of fluidity. I'm still gonna be messing with the program .

In additon, I'm working on some stuff with my friend Sam, and some other people as well. One of the things I came uo with was an anthology project ( which I've been wanting to do since the freshman year of college at laguardia). 

So , for the past three years, I've assembled a list of illustrators that I've met, interacted with or know. The importance of this list is to assemble specific illustrators for specific short story anthologies. One because it's great for portfolio, two to see how well each artist would work together, three to see the amount of dedication and effort, and four, to simply showcase each others work for future collaborative efforts down the line or in the near future. I'm testing this out, but I already gave a friend of mine a five page assignment. I simply, plan out the five pages, and @_ty5on would draw it in his own style. It's an exercise that I'm testing out just to see how well it works depending on the artists, what they are comfortable with and such. Because personally, as an up and coming illustrator, I know how much work it takes to have to do a lot of things on your own, which sometimes (most of the time) causes you to have sacrifice time out of your personal life to make such things. Even more, a human being is not a machine, but in order to balance the work load, you need a team of people who can help balance the weight. I hope this test works. I know you'll do good Tyson. I can't wait to see how you'll translate what I storyboarded into your own interpretation.

I'll try to keep you guys updated on the status of everything. Just know that I aim to showcase some toptier quality work aside from the wacky comedic strips. Until then, see you guys soon. 

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