Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Natasha Aughey as Wonder Woman by Anthony Andujar Jr

        I should probably do more muse sketches right? Did the digital coloring using Autodesk on my phone. Here's the physical sketch. I've been preoccupied with classes and some comics that I've been lettering.
         I once told @natashaughey_ that I always utilized her as my muse and point of reference for my interpretation of Wonder Woman. So here is my interpretation so far. What I always liked this fitness model/athlete is that she is able to be both powerful, while still retaining her femininity. And that was always how I imagined wonder woman. Wonder woman to me is an Amazon. And I never imagined amazonians to be just model types. They went to war, trained and built their land by hand. So I always figured that it made sense that Wonder Woman would be at top form in physique, while maintaining a presence that was able to be Feminine and powerful all at once. So she could arm bar you, and still talk about the beauties of life and philosophy, and still look good without trying to. That's how I imagined Wonder Woman as a character. Aside from She Hulk. And I think this muse nails that down to a T. 

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