Saturday, July 2, 2016

Every Day Life Comic Strip #3 Job Interview #1 by Anthony Andujar Jr

        Hey guys! I've got some comic strips in the works, pre scripted in a black book of mine where I basically do the rough drafts/ storyboarding of the comics. SO far I've got two of the upcoming comic strips that I'll be posting up on Wednesday ( as all comics are usually released ). But I figured I'd drop a little one of strip for Saturday since I recently got my work schedule done for workstudy at Laguardia this summer. I make a joke to my colleagues and co workers and then decided to take that joke and turn it into comic strip number 3. Originally I was texting my sister about the pitch for comic strip number 3 (which was prior to me starting this new blog separate from my Foods and All blog where I talk comics etc). I even pitched 4 and 5 and such, and then i figured that I might as well draw and dialogue it all. Long story short, I made this based on some of the job interviews that I've experienced ( because everybody LOVES job interviews right!?!??) and I decided to take my general thoughts that I tend to have during interviews and interject that into the comic strip. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did drawing this little saturday gift.

    Also, shout out to Erika R. ( who is also a friend and writer of the blog ) for being my first follower on this comic strip dedicated blog of mine. To be honest, I don't know where these stories will go, whether they will ever be big, or become a major success ( I'm just saying, I would be happy if it was Picked up by Adult Swim, just saying), but I wanted this specific blog to be a place where I can use my art to reflect on my life and thoughts that I have currently as a 22 year old. Generally I'm a huge comic book fan (obviously), and I figured that I could possibly color that 31 page comic of a character made for Jessica Boehman's Graphic Narrative class on here. I don't know when I'll get to it ( maybe in the following weeks) but point is, This will feature more stuff than just humor , ( although it won't be about superheroes a lot either) just a good mix of things I hope. Look, what I'm trying to say is, I'm trying to channel what i felt when I read a newspaper comicstrip of Tarzan, or The boondocks, or Calvin and Hobbs, in terms of making one shot stories or strips be it one page ( or 25) and sorta leaving something for the audience and myself to want to revisit and come back to. Heck, the Paul Giamatti American Splendor Film was always in the back of my mind for years as the sort of stuff I wanted to make in between all the WHAM ,BAM stuff.  In addition, this is something that I wanted to do for myself (unfiltered), with no hampering of editorial deciding who I should reboot or drastically change inorganically or kill off or to bring back ( not throwing shade at Marvel and DC, because I love the characters from those companies, but there is a reason why the independent stuff from Image, Dark Horse, BOOM, and IDW are becoming more prominent). I just want to tell stories. No matter how WACKY or dumb or possibly humorous or witty they may come off, as long as I can keep doing it, and people like it, and maybe, who knows, one day it could be something more, at least I hope so! till then, in between my stuff with college, and life, this will be my own little publisher right here in this little blog of mine. SO, without going on and on and on in this intro for a One page comic strip that you'll be done with reading in like 510 seconds or less, I present: Comic Strip number 3!

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